Dental Care in New York, Gum Redness.
Dental Care in New York, Gum Redness. With in the past few day I notice a section of my gum above the top side teeth are getting really red. I hurt a little when I brush there and when I drink something hot.
I am only just turn 18 and my parents do not have dental insurance I scared that I may be getting gum disease like my Grand father. I am not sure want to do and do not want my teeth to fall out. I would really appreciate feedback of any sort, since I not sure if I can just go to a dental clinic. Thanks.
Thursday, Apr. 28th 2011 8:19 AM at 8:19 am
Are you brushing too hard? Or using a hard bristle tooth brush. Since you said this just started to happening it seems more like you are doing something like that. However I would talk to your parents about at least going into the dentist for a check up to make sure.
Thursday, Apr. 28th 2011 8:21 AM at 8:21 am
You can go to a dental clinic or a dental school for low cost dental care. I would see want a dentist has to say about your gums. Bleeding and redness is a sign of gum issues. Are you flossing daily like you should be? Have your given though about getting a low cost dental insurance plan that offer free preventive dental care? There are many ways in making dental care more affordable. I suggest looking into that.
Thursday, Apr. 28th 2011 8:59 AM at 8:59 am
Well you stated you are 18. That means you can act on your own now and not have to fall back on your parents. You can go to a dentist without them. You can also buy dental insurance for yourself. Depending on the state you are in this website offer many low cost dental plan options for your review.