Dental Insurance Plus on How to Prevent Dental Tartar Build Up
In previous posts we talk about what dental tartar is and now it can effect your teeth and gums. However there are ways to prevent tartar build up and that starts with you at home.
1) Brush your teeth correctly. Note a quick 30 second brushing in the morning and night is not good enough. You want to brush your teeth for at least two minutes. Use a soft bristle brush that can easily reach all areas in your mouth. Be sure to brush those are to reach surfaces that are behind your teeh and rear molars.
2) According to some studies electronic or powered toothbrushes may be more effective then manual toothbrushes in removing dental plaque. Though regardless of your choice of toothbrush make sure to choose a toothbrush with the ADA seal of approval.
3) Pick a toothpaste that is tartar-control and with fluoride.
4) Do not forget to FLOSS. Regardless of how diligent you may brush your teeth brushing if you are not flossing you are only doing half the job needed to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Flossing daily will remove the plaque between your teeth and prevent tartar formation in these difficult-to-reach areas.
5) No Smoking. According to studies done people who smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products are more likely to have tartar on their teeth and under their gums.